Galerie PhotoPlace, Middleburry, Vermont
Mots du jury :
Amazing songsters. Morning alarm clocks. Descended from dinosaurs. Celestial navigators. Migratory marvels. Birds have fascinated artists for centuries as actual and symbolic creatures. For this exhibition, we sought photographs that embody the essence of birds, whether real or imagined. Avian imagery ranges from depictions of creatures of sublime delicacy, to the strong and impressive, the anthropomorphic, and the universal representation of freedom. Submissions to Birds Real or Imagined drew from this amazing diverse range of bird depictions. Choosing 75 works from these images of birds spanning the gossamer and mythical, to the dramatic and real, proved a difficult challenge. I strove to balance the varied visual approaches and create a show that addresses all those elements that cause birds to have such a strong hold on our collective imagination in all their beauty, mystery and symbolism.
Dates de l’exposition : du 2 au 26 janvier 2013